Monday, October 31, 2011


Today in clinic I felt rushed and frustrated. I paired p with Mark for the first time and he was a great partner. We learned how to do sealants which I had never done before so that was exciting! The thing was that we had to pass off air/powder polish and selective polish along with learning the sealants. Mark was first and by the time he got his stuff all complete there was little time for mine. I rushed through and forgot to get a signature which the instructor let slide but let me know that if it happened again I would automatically fail. Today I loved Prof. Costley. She is so kind and patient and really knows how to teach! The frustrated part I will just let go. Then at home I took my ids trick or treating and now I sit down to study for the anatomy test in the morning. Studying is the LAST thing I want to do right now!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

FUN day!

Today we learned how to powder polish and selective polish and we did fluoride varnish!! It was fun using a machine this time!! hahaha It made me so excited for the ultrasonic!! Next week we do mock patients where we run through a whole appointment with a partner....I can't wait!!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Passing off PE's

Today we learned how to put a patients treatment into the computer and make a treatment plan. It was so nice to have a day where I knew what I was doing!! I guess all that work up front helped out!! Then I passed off intraoral camera and dental treatment PE. YAY for today!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Passed off curets!!

Today we did a OD from start to finish. I got to pair up with Kayla which was fun since we haven't been partners yet. It is fun to get different partners and see in different mouths! I passed off curets and feel pretty good about it. We also probed a quadrant and then Professor Costley checked and I was right on!!! YAY I never thought I would say probing is getting a little easier!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Scaling.......maybe oneday I'll be good enough!!

Today I passed off my anterior scaling.............barely!! I was so nervous. I didn't feel like I understood or got the best instruction the day it was introduced. I felt really defeated that day. I try to practice but because I don't feel like I am doing it right the practicing does no good. I realize that I have been practicing it wrong. Anyway back to passing it off. So I knew the due date was coming up so I went ahead and decided to try and pass it off. I told Prof. Costley I was ready even though I was not sure of myself at all!! She came over and I started. I did well on the facials but then when I went to the linguals I got all messed up and could not get the rhythm down. She told me to get up so she could show me. At that point I figured I had failed. I continued through though. I figured any help she could offer would be valuable. I just kept thinking how they said nothing makes us madder than when you come and get us and you are not ready!! Anyway as we continued on. She offered great help and showed me what to do to correct my grasp and motion. In the end she said she decided to pass me because I am understanding what I need to do and correct I just need more practice. I was so grateful for her understanding. I really feel like this was the first day that scaling made sense. It frustrates me that the instructor on the day we were taught anterior scaling did not, in my opinion, teach it very well but I am just going to have to get over that and realize that we all have off days and maybe that was hers! I am just glad to have it passed off and now I can focus on posterior scaling for now!!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Today in clinic we learned OHI (oral hygiene instruction). We used a disclosing agent, which is a substance that you swish in your mouth and then if you have and plaque or calculus on your teeth is turns it pink or purple. This was kinda fun. I learned that I need to pay more attention to #31!!!! After all of that we had some time to practice our anterior and posterior scaling. I was very thankful for this because I didn't feel like I understood it very well when we learned the first time. I am having a hard time with adaption. I am afraid of hurting the patient and so I go slow and not deep enough and in the midst of that I am hurting them more. So today the instructors gave me some valuable advice and I brought home my instruments and typodont so I will be practicing!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

More studying.......

Well there is another two tests in radiology this week. I do not feel prepared at all. The last radiology test I bombed so I am especially nervous about these two. I am not the best at identification of xrays. I don't have the experience that a lot of the girls have. We will be tested on anatomy and then also pathology. How to recognize it on the xrays is something I need way more practice on. Better get to it!!!!

Childrens Health Network

Friday the Weber State Dental Hygiene Clinic opened it's doors for children in the community that needed dental work. These kid's families don't have the resources financially or otherwise to get the care needed. I was paired up with a second year student Sarah Morris. She was so helpful and delightful to work with. We saw 6 or 7 kids. It made me so sad that these kids desperately need dental work and can't get it. Some of the kids mouths were great. The parents understand the importance of dental health and others...well not so much. I am glad I got to be a part of this great organization and teach the kids how important their mouths are to their overall health.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Anterior Scaling

Today we learned how to scale the anteriors. The first thing I can say is my teeth are very sore tonight as I write this. hahahaha!! I don't think I did very well today. I didn't feel like I got the concept down. But on a better note I passed off the probe PE!!!!

Last week

Last week we learned how to use the explorer and also had a lesson in instruments. Before we learned what each instrument was, I mixed up the Gracie and the explorer! I felt so stupid as the instructor came over and asked what the heck I was doing!! Oh well everyone has to make a stupid mistake once or twice!!!